
... and other useful things


April 2012

Reset MySQL root password

Reset MySQL root password Stop mysqld and restart it with the –skip-grant-tables option. This enables anyone to connect without a password and with all privileges. Because this is insecure, you might want to use –skip-grant-tables in conjunction with –skip-networking to… Continue Reading →

Copy data from one table to another in MySQL

Copy data from one table to another in MySQL UPDATE table_to_be_updated INNER JOIN source_table ON (table_to_be_updated.field_to_match = source_table.field_to_match) SET table_to_be_updated.field_to_be_updated = source_table.source_field

Quick launch toolbar in Windows 7

Quick launch toolbar in Windows 7 Missing the Quick launch toolbar that you loved in Windows XP and Vista? By default it is hidden but it is still available! To show the toolbar: unlock the taskbar right-click on an open… Continue Reading →

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