
... and other useful things



Copy MySQL users from one server to another

Copy MySQL users from one server to another Copy MySQL users including db-rights: oldserver$ mysqldump mysql > mysql.sql newserver$ mysql mysql < mysql.sql newserver$ mysql ‘flush privileges;’ Remember to add -u $USER and -p$PASSWORD as required  

Currency calculation in Excel

Currency calculation in Excel Preparations; Price in base currency in Column P Base currency in Column Q Currencies in named cells in separate sheet Equation; =IF(Q1=”SEK”;P1*SEK;IF(Q1=”USD”;P1*USD;IF(Q1=”EUR”;P1*EUR;IF(Q1=”GBP”;P1*GBP;”Check the currency!”))))

MySQL: Set field value based on timestamp

MySQL: Set field value based on timestamp UPDATE TABLE SET FIELD=”NEWVALUE” WHERE DATEFIELD < ‘2014-12-23 23:45:01‘;

Move WordPress site to new domain or new location

Move WordPress site to new domain or new location If you change the URL or link location of your WordPress site (e.g from www.olddomain.com to www.newdomain.com) or to another directory location (such as from www.domain.com to www.domain.com/blog), there are some… Continue Reading →

Reset password for Windows 7 for free, with no additional software

Reset password for Windows 7 for free, with no additional software Insert either a Windows 7 installation DVD, or a Windows 7 System Repair disc into your optical drive and then restart your computer. After your computer boots from the… Continue Reading →

Backup SMS and MMS from Android to Gmail

Backup SMS and MMS from Android to Gmail If you want to backup your SMS and MMS from your Androind smartphone you can use the App “SMS Backup+” which is available for free from Google Play store. It is run… Continue Reading →

Archive Outlook email to Gmail

Archive Outlook email to Gmail There are two main reasons for archiving Outlook e-mail to a Gmail account; one is secure backup and two, you will be able to access the mail from any computer. Enable IMAP in your Gmail… Continue Reading →

Retrieve product key for Office 2007

Retrieve product key for Office 2007 When reinstalling Microsoft Office 2007 you need to locate your Microsoft Office 2007 product key – also known as the CD key (some times referred to as the serial number for Office 2007). Normally… Continue Reading →

Copy data from one table to another in MySQL

Copy data from one table to another in MySQL UPDATE table_to_be_updated INNER JOIN source_table ON (table_to_be_updated.field_to_match = source_table.field_to_match) SET table_to_be_updated.field_to_be_updated = source_table.source_field

Quick launch toolbar in Windows 7

Quick launch toolbar in Windows 7 Missing the Quick launch toolbar that you loved in Windows XP and Vista? By default it is hidden but it is still available! To show the toolbar: unlock the taskbar right-click on an open… Continue Reading →

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